Thursday, March 13, 2008

when lame situations ruin good pictures

I have like half a dozen pictures I want to delete of my myspace.
Cause I have several group pictures with a person in them I am no longer friends with. But I am still friends with all the rest of the people in the picture. I love the pictures and everyone else in them but it annoys me when I have to see the pictures cause I used to think it was so great.


The Zill said...

stick them into photoshop, or some other random coloring program, and draw over there face.

problem solved.

new york dactyl said...

excuse me for being so late in finding this blog but NO ONE EFFING TOLD ME THAT YOU WERE BLOGGING. ahem at you AND martha. :) ting!

in other news, i love you and that's a lovely profile picture you have going on over there.

my advice on this post: put giant x marks over that persons face and keep the photos up.

The Zill said...

at least tara and i agree on something.... *humph*