Friday, January 4, 2008

heh. figures.

I had felt inspired to share myself and had this blog (poorly, I'm sure) written out. Somehow I accidently deleted the entire thing. Interweb Gods telling me that I suck. I had to write somthing just have not lost it in vain.
I have been kind of a sour puss or the last couple month. not sure if it's seasonal bullshit or what. I have just felt uninspired in life. Maybe I am still mourning the loss of my good friend.
Took some time off work and rested through the holidays, I'm feeling much better. My soul feels lighter. I was feeling so numb and disconnected. I kept thinking it would pass and it just kept going.
le sigh
I had some internal conflicts going on for awhile. I have spent the last year nuturing a new friendship. Spending time, long talks, getting to know them. Friendships. They are like dating! So yeah, turns out, this person slowly has revealed themselves to not be what/who they say they are. Reveal themselves to actually not be a good person at all (in my estimation). The slow break up of a friendship because the other party won't even communicate with me, even when I have done nothing but be an awesome friend to this person.
so I have come to the decision that it's over. and it hurts like breaking up with a boyfriend.

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