Friday, March 28, 2008


nothing like getting broke up via text message. go me.

Monday, March 17, 2008

SO Cute.

Catching Asia dancing crazy in her room to the Rhianna c.d.

I love her.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

when lame situations ruin good pictures

I have like half a dozen pictures I want to delete of my myspace.
Cause I have several group pictures with a person in them I am no longer friends with. But I am still friends with all the rest of the people in the picture. I love the pictures and everyone else in them but it annoys me when I have to see the pictures cause I used to think it was so great.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

So sad it took me so long

to eat here!
I will say I have been pretty sad about Daly's Drive-in closing, but this new spot just might help me with my mourning. I ordered a cheese burger, onion rings, and a chocolate peanut butter malt. I removed the tomato and lettuce and put the onion rings on the burger and added bbq sauce. (aka my version of Carl's Jr. Bacon Western Cheeseburger, the nearest Carl's Jr. is 3 hours away)
They use natural hormone free beef, are free of trans fat, flamed broiled , and Wednesdays are half off from 3-9pm. My meal was delicious and cheap! They have a kobe beef burger option for $3 and veggie options for the veggies out there. They offer milkshakes, malts and beer including Newcastle and Pabst... awesome.

Dear Loser,

While you are off buying yourself a plane ticket to San Diego, I have just spent over $400 buying OUR daughter a new bedroom set, and I am paying for her to fly down to SoCal, see YOUR family and stay on the beach for a few days, oh yeah I'm taking her to Disneyland too..

This would be a whole lot easier if you would help out with child support once in awhile.. I mean even your usual and measly $100 a month, but as it is I haven't recieved any help for months.

But hey, have a good time in San Diego.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A rare rant about Capitol Hill

There is not much I dislike about living on Capitol Hill but I have a couple things that really bug me...

1. People who do not utilize the curb well when parallel parking.

C'mon if you live on the Hill, you know how shitty parking can be. I have friends who won't come over because of the parking... But don't park and leave 8 feet between you and the sign that says "do not park east of here". Utilize the ENTIRE space, park as close to that sign as possible and create more space for people behind you.

2. People who do not pick up their dog shit.

This is by far the most important one. What would we do if humans just starting shitting on the sidewalks. IT'S FUCKING DISGUSTING!!! Do not own a pet if you cannot be courteous enough to pick up after it. And the worst thing, people who just let their dog's shit on the sidewalk and leave it...... on the SIDEWALK!!! not even in the grass. That is just WRONG WRONG WRONG!!! (yes I am stamping my feet right now)
There is this person who let their dog dump on the sidewalk in front of the driveway. My neighbor's car then ran over is repeatedly. I was carrying groceries home and set my canvas bag down... in dog shit. Asia jumped in my car and brought dog shit in there. You see my point.

So there it is.. my rare Capitol Hill rant. Otherwise, I sing it's praises cause I love my 'hood.
I have decided that I will not be able to walk away from my relationship with E unless I know I have exhausted all efforts to make it work.
So here I am at my final idea.
I asked him if he as willing and he was hesitant at first but then came around.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Life's little perfections

I love Seattle early in the morning. It's such a sleepy city, you can be driving around at 10 am, no one is out with exception to few early bird coffee grabbers and joggers. Capitol Hill is so peaceful.

I had the morning all to myself. These are rare moments. I lazed around and grabbed coffee at Ladro, got ready and treated myself to brunch and a mimosa at Smith. It was lovely to sit and stare out the window and read my magazine and just enjoy being.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

must do.

A few co workers and I went to Tilth Restaurant in Wallingford for dinner a few weeks back. We are still talking about it to this day. I highly recomend the duck sliders. I think it was the best burger I ever had period.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I forgot how much this hurts

Realizing that your relationship may have run it's course. Having "the talk". And the dam that broke upon coming to terms with that reality. I am scared. not gonna lie. I forgot how much heart break hurts, I am scared to pick up the pieces and I am scared to go at it alone. I am scared of losing my best friend. I am scared to truly be a single parent again, you have been so amazing. How can I be sure I am not making the biggest mistake of my life?